Help Centre

Help Informations

What kind of help do you need?

illustration of a telephone

Need Urgent Help or Support?

If you are distressed or experiencing feelings of despair - get help now.

  • Is there someone you can call - family or a friend?
  • Is there a neighbour who you can call who can help?

If you or anyone else is in immediate danger or harm then please call the Police or Ambulance Service on 999.

Do you need Urgent Medical or Mental Health help?

If you do then it is crucial that you contact the right person and that is most likely to be your GP. They will know where to get you the specialist help you need.

If your GP surgery is closed their answerphone will direct you to the right place or you can call NHS 111

Use The NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it is not a life threatening situation.

Need to talk?

If you want to talk to someone about how you feel, what you’re experiencing or how to deal with someone else's behaviour, you can contact the Samaritans.

The Samaritans
The Samaritans offer a 24-hour telephone helpline. You can also contact them via email and letter.
Tel: 116 123

If you would prefer support by text, you can do so by texting: SHOUT to 85258